Yancong Lin (林彦聪)

Postdoc, Intelligent Vehicles Group, Cognitive Robotics, TUDelft.

Working with Prof. Dariu M. Gavrila and Dr. Holger Caesar.

PhD from Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics, TUDelft (2022).

Worked with Dr. Jan van Gemert and Dr. Silvia-Laura Pintea.

Research on built-in knowledge priors for scalable perception models.
Collaboration with AIIR on automated inspection for aircraft engines.

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About me

My research focuses on creating scalable perception models for highly automated vehicles by pre-wiring deep learning with generic innate priors. This eliminates the need for large annotation to learn inductive knowledge. My research enhances the data efficiency of end-to-end learning with built-in differentiable priors, particularly on scene understanding and 3D reconstruction.


17/07/2024     Master thesis: Arbër Demi, SfM applications for 3D reconstruction from 2D avionics industrial inspection videos.

11/07/2024     Master thesis: Tibbe Lukkassen, MultiViT: 2D to 3D transfer learning using a jointly optimized Vision Transformer.

17/06/2024     ICP-Flow has won the Argoverse 2 Scene Flow Challenge (unsupervised track).

28/02/2024     Our submission to CVPR'24 on LiDAR scene flow estimation has been accepted.

29/01/2024     Our submission to ICRA'24 on active learning for LiDAR semantic segmentation has been accepted.

18/12/2023     Research grant:NWO NGF AiNed XS Europa (80k euros), in collaboration with Prof. Konrad Schindler, ETH.

13/07/2023     Our submission to ICCV'23 on why classification helps regression has been accepted.

26/06/2023     Nafie successfully defended his master thesis: BladeNeRF. Cum laude!

19/10/2022     I am an outstanding reviewer, ECCV'22.

01/10/2022     Postdoc at the Intelligent Vehicles Group, 3mE, TUDelft.

30/09/2022     Our submission to BMVC'22 on mirror symmetries has been accepted.

21/05/2022     I am an outstanding reviewer, CVPR'22.

25/04/2022     I have successfully defended my phd dissertation.

03/03/2022     Our submission to CVPR'22 on vanishing points has been accepted.

01/01/2022     New project with an industrial partner: computer vision for aircraft engine inspection.

18/08/2021     Our submission to ICCV'21 workshop (Deep Learning for Geometric Computing): Best student paper award.

23/07/2021     ICCV'21 workshop: 2nd Visual Inductive Priors for Data-Efficient Deep Learning Workshop,

12/07/2021     Congrats to Andrea on defending his master thesis.

26/05/2021     Our submission to ICIP'21 has been accepted.

01/10/2020     Congrats to Kang Lang on defending his master thesis.

23/08/2020     ECCV'20 workshop: 1st Visual Inductive Priors for Data-Efficient Deep Learning Workshop,

04/07/2020     Our submission to ECCV'20 on wireframe parsing has been accepted.

ICP-Flow: LiDAR Scene Flow Estimation with ICP
Yancong Lin , Holger Caesar
CVPR, 2024
arXiv / Code

Clustering + ICP, w/o learning, w/o training data: a strong baseline for LiDAR scene flow.

Winner, (Unsupervised) Argoverse 2 Scene Flow Challenge, CVPR 2024.

BaSAL: Size Balanced Warm Start Active Learning for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
Jiarong Wei, Yancong Lin *, Holger Caesar
ICRA, 2024
arXiv / Code

Class imbalance and cold start in active learning: size-based partition to rescue

A step towards understanding why classification helps regression
Silvia-Laura Pintea, Yancong Lin, Jouke Dijkstra, Silvia-Laura Pintea, Jan van Gemert
ICCV, 2023
arXiv / Code

For a regression task, if the data sampling is imbalanced, then add a classification loss.

Deep Vanishing Point Detection: Geometric priors make dataset variations vanish
Yancong Lin, Ruben Wiserma, Silvia-Laura Pintea, Klaus Hildebrandt, Elmar Eisemann, Jan van Gemert
CVPR, 2022
arXiv / Code

Hough Transform and Gaussian sphere priors for data-efficient and domain-robust vanishing point detection.

NeRD++: Improved 3D-mirror symmetry learning from a single image
Yancong Lin, Silvia-Laura Pintea, Jan van Gemert
BMVC, 2022
arXiv / Code

Detecting 3D mirror plane from a single image, using feature correlations, mirroring, multi-scale spherical convs.

Investigating transformers in the decomposition of polygonal shapes as point collections
Andrea Alfieri, Yancong Lin, Jan van Gemert
ICCV Workshop (Best student paper!), 2021

Exploit auto-regressive and parallel transformers in predicting collections of points (polygons).

Semi-Supervised Lane Detection with Deep Hough Transform
Yancong Lin, Silvia-Laura Pintea, Jan van Gemert
ICIP, 2021
Code / arXiv

Exploit lane representations in the Hough space from unlabel data.

Deep Hough Transform Line Priors
Yancong Lin, Silvia-Laura Pintea, Jan van Gemert
ECCV, 2020
Code / arXiv

Reduce data dependency by adding line priors through a trainable Hough transform module.

Quality Index for Stereoscopic Images by Jointly Evaluating Cyclopean Amplitude and Cyclopean Phase
Yancong Lin, Jiachen Yang, Wen Lu, Qinggang Meng, Zhihan Lv, Houbing Song
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2016

Stereo image quality assessment using binocular vision models and low-level features.

Core contribution of master thesis.


Reviewer: CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Teaching Assistant: CS4245 Computer Vision by Deep Learning, 2019/2020 Q4.

Teaching Assistant: IN4393 Computer Vision, 2018/19 Q3.


Fitness (powerlifting) / Auto and Autobahn enthusiast / Formula 1 / Premier League /

Template from Jon Barron.